Where can I find my Amazon LTV?

Welcome to the “Amazon LTV and Retention Module” document, designed to provide insights into understanding and optimizing customer Lifetime Value (LTV) and improving customer retention strategies for the Amazon platform using SourceMedium.

To get to the module, on the sidebar of the report, there will be a Retention & LTV section that can be clicked on.

After clicking on that section, it will populate the LTV & Retention and Repurchase Analysis.

Click on LTV & Retention

In the section of the Dashboard where the filters are located, there is a Channel filter where there is an option to change to either the Online DTC (Shopify) or Amazon Channel.

Click on the filter and select only Amazon to get to the Amazon LTV information.

Note: You can only choose one option at a time.

Under the Acquisition Order Filter Type for Amazon, there are options to see the LTV and Retention based on these filters:

  • No filters - All of the information will be displayed as a whole
  • Order Type (Sub vs. One-time) - A breakdown by either one time orders or subscription orders.
  • Product - A breakdown by individual products. Products as listed by the title used in your Amazon list.
  • SKU - A breakdown by SKUs (set in Amazon).
  • Discount Code - A breakdown by Discount Code
  • Sub-channel - A breakdown of LTV and Retention by either FBA or FBM

Note: the acquisition order type filter allows you to filter cohorts based on their first/acquisition order. Any subsequent orders may not fit the same profile as the acquisition order (e.g a different product may be purchased). The filters are sorted by the max cohort size (defined by the max cohort month).