• A SourceMedium dashboard offers both in-depth and high-level data on your main sales channel as well as channel-specific marketing platforms i.e. Amazon Ads and Amazon DSP.
  • As an Omnichannel reporting solution, SourceMedium offers numerous dimensions and metrics that are often standardized across sales channels to enable easier data comparison and drawing actionable insights.

Connecting Your Sales Platforms

We offer several sales platforms as direct integrations. You can find the list and their related instruction articles here at our Help Site.

Important Concepts

There are a few important concepts to understand before using the dashboard:


The sales channel through which an order comes. These are broken out by default into a few sensible defaults that include, draft orders, wholesale, Online DTC, and Amazon channels. These help maintain pure data for the most important revenue streams.

Date Ranges

The time in which you are looking to analyze a particular set of information. Date range selectors are most often found at the top of a page. In some rare instances, for special charts or tables, individual date range filters are used and will be located directly above those visualizations.

Definition Differences

It is important to note that some dimensions and metrics may have different definitions across sales channels. Reviewing the definitions in our Help Center and Airtable will assist in clarifying any discrepancies that may arise when comparing data across channels.

How to use SourceMedium for Omnichannel Reporting

Confirm that SourceMedium has integrated all of your desired sales platforms that we offer direct integration with. Once we have these integrated you will be able to use the Channel filter located on nearly every module of your dashboard to switch between Channel views. This allows for a low-friction analysis of each sales channel across several data layers, from customers down to the line item level. For a side-by-side analysis, we offer flexible, pre-built modules and sub-modules within our Template Gallery.

Getting Help

If you have any questions or issues while using SourceMedium, please refer to our Help Center or contact our CSA team via Slack or Email (support@sourcemedium.com) for assistance. We are always here to help you get the most out of your Omnichannel reporting experience.