Table Structure Overview

  • fct: Each record in a fact (fct) table represents a unique event or transaction, characterized by metrics or measurements such as sales amount or units sold
  • dim: Each record in a dimension (dim) table provides context for the metrics recorded in fct tables, such as time, geography, products, or customers
  • obt: Each record in a One Big Table (obt) is the product of joined fct and dim tables that have been modeled into a single, unified structure
  • rpt: Each record in a report (rpt) table represents a narrower, aggregated view of joined fct and dim tables that serve a specific analytical purpose

See Modeling Philosophy for a more in-depth overview of the types of tables we generate through our data modeling.

Metric column name formula

  • fct table name formula: fct_{{ entity }}_{{ verb }}
  • dim table name formula: dim_{{ dimension }}
  • obt table name formula: obt_{{ entity }}
  • rpt table name formula: rpt_{{ entity }}_summary_{{ aggregation_granularity }}